Introducing our Senior Prefects 2023 – 2024!
Senior Prefects at Queen Anne’s School are made up of a team of nine who have been carefully selected for their leadership skills and vision for their final year at school. Becoming a Senior Prefect is a privilege that Queen Anne’s girls look forward to applying for in their Sixth Form years.
Our two Head Girls, Lara and Hadassah, will be leading the team with support from Deputy Head Girls, Georgie and Katie, who are all excellent role models to their peers. Our Senior Prefects act as a link between students and staff, and any Queen Anne’s student can approach the prefect team who are happy to help them.
Here’s what some of the new team have said about becoming a Senior Prefect:
“I'm thrilled to have been given the role as head girl for this year. It fills me with so much excitement to have the opportunity to implement positive change within the school while ensuring traditions I have loved throughout my time here are still very much enjoyed by the younger generation of Queen Anne's girls. It's going to be a wonderful year!” – Lara, Head Girl
“I really looked up to the Senior Prefects as role models when I first joined the school and I want to be that role model for other students” – Sophie, Senior Prefect
“It is a great privilege to be a Senior Prefect and I am looking forward to being a student representative by listening to any feedback the girls may have to make their experience at Queen Anne’s the best it can be” – Lucy, Senior Prefect
Best of luck to our 2023 – 2024 Senior Prefect team!
Lara - Head Girl
Hadassah - Head Girl
Georgie - Deputy Head Girl
Katie - Deputy Head Girl
Isla - Senior Prefect
Sophie - Senior Prefect
Lara - Senior Prefect
Jaey - Senior Prefect
Lucy - Senior Prefect