All students in sets one and two of L4 and the 4s take part in the UK Junior Mathematical Challenge in the Lent term. This is a countrywide competition where students can gain bronze, silver or gold certificates. Those with an exceptional score move through to a second round. U4 students are encouraged to enter the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge, or to participate in the Mathematics Team Challenge. There may be opportunities to go on extra-curricular visits where practical use is made of classroom mathematics.
Mathematics is one of the most versatile subjects and is highly regarded by universities and higher education establishments. Most important of all, if you are prepared to put in the effort it is exciting, rewarding and fun!
The main aim of the department is that all girls will achieve success in their course and at the same time enjoy their Mathematics.
We try to generate a feeling of enthusiasm for the subject which leads many girls wishing to study mathematics at A Level and beyond. In February, we took part in the NSPCC Number Day, where the girls were set maths-based challenges with clues and puzzles throughout the school, while raising money for charity. On pi day in March, we were extremely impressed by our girls’ display of house spirit as over 250 of them lined up holding as many digits as they could in order to win the house competition. We also held a memory challenge, which was won by a L6 student who managed to memorise pi to an impressive 51 decimal places!
Outside of lesson time, we have had an unprecedented number of bronze, silver and gold certificates in the annual UKMT mathematical challenges, this year with eight girls qualifying for further, invite only, rounds. This has put them in the top few thousand qualifiers in the country.
Through their study of mathematics, we hope to develop the students’ understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and enjoyment. We aim to develop the ability to reason logically; to extend the student’s range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them to solve a wide variety of problems. To recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically and how a mathematical model can be refined and improved.
We hope that, through the study of mathematics, each student will:
- Find mathematics an enjoyable, fascinating and stimulating subject
- Develop an enquiring mind
- Develop independent and co-operative work habits
- Appreciate the relevance of mathematics to everyday life
- Develop the ability to think precisely and logically
- Maintain a good standard of mental arithmetic
- Efficiently use a calculator or computer where appropriate
- See the relevance of mathematics and use it in other subjects
- Gain a firm foundation for further study
L4, 4 and U4 (Year 7, 8 & 9)
Teaching in the lower years broadly follows the National Curriculum and consists of four areas of mathematics: number; algebra; geometry; statistics. Plentiful time during these years is given to mental mathematics, though girls will need to use a scientific calculator regularly as an aid to their learning. At the start of L4, students are taught in mixed ability groups. During the Michaelmas term, L4 students are sorted into sets for mathematics and all mathematic classes are set thereafter.
There are regular tests and the setting is reviewed after each block of teaching. Students are then given guidance about their performance and about what they need to do to improve.
In L4, 4s and U4 students are issued with a textbook from the Essential Mathematics series, published by Elmwood Press. This is useful in terms of being a resource that can be used both by teachers and pupils, but is not definitive in terms of the content that is taught. All notes are kept on a class OneNote which can be accessed wherever pupils are, at any time. In the final term of U4, students start the International GCSE mathematics course and are issued the course textbook.
Additional support for mathematics is provided through regular clinics, which take place every day. We also offer access to online support and practice resources and provide guidance in terms of stretch and challenge materials.
The main aim of the department is that all students will achieve success in their course and at the same time enjoy their mathematics. We try to generate a feeling of enthusiasm for the subject which will lead to many of the students wanting to study it at A Level.
All sets are prepared for International GCSE Mathematics. This specification covers topics in four broad areas: number, algebra, geometry and statistics. It differs slightly from standard GCSE mathematics and includes set theory, functions and elementary calculus. There is no coursework component. For some students, the complexity levels of the International GCSE do not give them the challenge necessary, so as part of their course set 1 will also be taught the content for the AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics. This course is intended for students who are expected to achieve an 8 or 9 in their International GCSE mathematics and builds on their understanding of number, algebra, co-ordinate geometry, calculus and geometry
Although entry for the examination in June is optional, following this course will be of great benefit for those who intend to study mathematics at A Level. Any student who wishes to study Further Mathematics at A Level should certainly have this qualification.
International GCSE Mathematics Examination
Paper 1 – Two hours
Paper 2 – Two hours
All students have the option of being presented at higher level, for which grades 9 - 3 are available, and the vast majority of them will be. The use of calculators is permitted in both papers.
AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics
Paper 1 – One hour 45 minutes
Paper one is a non-calculator paper.
Paper 2 – One hour 45 minutes
Grades are awarded on a scale of 5 - 9
A Level Mathematics
Mathematics is one of the most versatile A Level choices and is highly regarded by universities and higher education establishments. Most important of all, if you are prepared to put in the effort it is exciting, rewarding and fun!
To develop the students’ understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and enjoyment. To develop the ability to reason logically; to extend the students’ range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them to solve a wide variety of problems. To recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically and how a mathematical model can be refined and improved.
Syllabus - Edexcel 9MA0
Pure Mathematics: Algebra, trigonometry, coordinate geometry and graphs, calculus, vectors.
Mechanics: Forces, equilibrium, Newton’s laws of motion, projectiles, motion in a circle, energy, impulse and momentum.
Statistics: Representation of data, discrete and continuous random variables, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing and probability distributions. Analysis of big data sets.
Students will be provided with textbooks and a CASIO fx-CG50 graphical calculator which will be billed at around 40% of the RRP.
Six hours of examinations, with two papers testing ability in pure mathematics and the third testing students’ statistics and mechanics skills.
Other Subject Combinations
Mechanics is particularly relevant for those studying physics. Statistics has some relevance to those studying geography, psychology, biology and economics. Mathematics can be combined with any other A Level choices. We will also be offering Mathematics for non-Mathematicians for those girls taking A Levels with a high mathematical content - such as Chemistry, Biology and Psychology.
Further Mathematics
Further Mathematics is not for the faint-hearted, but it is one of the most prestigious qualifications to have. There is enormous satisfaction to be gained from discovering how mathematical theories and techniques have led to the development of almost everything from the Egyptian pyramids to the mobile phone.
To develop the students’ understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and enjoyment. To explore a wider range of abstract techniques and develop more realistic models of physical situations.
Syllabus - Edexcel 9MA0 (with variations)
Pure Mathematics: Functions, differential equations, complex numbers, series, matrices.
Mechanics: Elasticity, simple harmonic motion, motion under a variable force.
Statistics: Representation of data, discrete and continuous random variables, regression and correlation.
Decision Mathematics: Algorithms, graph theory, networks, linear programming
A Level Further Mathematics will include six hours of exams, split between 4 papers. All of the material covered is in addition to the Mathematics A Level.
Other Subject Combinations
Further Mathematics must be taken with Mathematics and is particularly relevant for those studying physics and other sciences. Further Mathematics can be combined with any other A Level choices.
A knowledge of mathematics is an advantage for many degree courses - Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Geography, Architecture, Actuarial Science, Economics, Operational Research, Interior Design - the list is endless. Careers in Business, Accountancy, Computing, Insurance, Finance - in fact anything where logical thought is needed.
Challenging yourself in mathematics comes through pushing yourself further in the direction you have been pursuing in class as well as investigating around it. Sometimes your lesson time may be spent learning the tools which then allow you to explore more complex ideas if you dedicate time to them.
Linking concepts together in mathematics is vital, so when presented with a problem, do not just try to find the single solution but think about whether there is a graphical, geometric or algebraic way of looking at it-often this will lead you towards realisations that mean that every concept you study is connected in some way to every other; your task should be to find these connections and explore them!
Key Stage 3
- Take part in the Junior and Intermediate Maths Challenge events. Ask your teacher for past years’ papers to help you to prepare or to do for fun!
- Use websites such as Dr Frost Maths or Maths Genie to help you explore topics that are a level higher than you are currently working at.
- Explore the NRICH website where there are engaging mathematical activities to provoke mathematical thinking.
- Work through the ‘Puzzles and Problems’ section in the textbooks.
- Read around the subject on the history of Maths and mathematicians. The library has many great books to choose from.
Key Stage 4
- Take part in the yearly Intermediate and Senior Maths Challenge events. Ask your teacher for past years’ papers to help you to prepare.
- Volunteer to be part of the yearly Team Maths Challenge, an event which pits four of our students against those at other local schools.
- Explore the NRICH website where there are engaging mathematical activities to provoke mathematical thinking.
- Read around the subject on the history of Maths and mathematicians. The library has many great books to choose from.
- Use websites such as Dr Frost Maths or Maths Genie to help you explore topics that are a level higher than you are currently working at.
- Get involved in the AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Maths. This is a launching pad to A level studies and may inspire you to look into other topics outside of your GCSE such as complex numbers.
- Explore the website, which contains resources to encourage you to think more deeply about the mathematics that you study, to enrich understanding, develop problem solving skills and encourage the study of mathematics beyond GCSE
Key Stage 5
- Get involved in the Senior Maths Challenge. Ask your teacher for past years’ papers to help you to prepare.
- Volunteer to be part of the yearly Team Maths Challenge, an event which pits four of our students against those at other local schools.
- Look at This is a collection of forty open-ended investigative activities for A level mathematicians.
- Read around the subject on the history of Maths and mathematicians. The library has many great books to choose from.
- Aim to become the Sixth Form Maths Prefect, looking to promote a love of mathematics and its potential to other girls in our community
Bethany (U5), scored 200/200 in her Maths GCSE exam after taking the paper 9 months early. Here's what Bethany said about her Maths GCSE -
"I had an exceptional maths journey during my time at Queen Anne’s, particularly during my GCSEs. During Lower Fifth and Upper Fifth, we followed the Edexcel iGCSE specification, which covers a range of topics such as algebra, geometry, statistics, and calculus. I developed a strong understanding of mathematics throughout the course, learning how to reason logically and hone my problem-solving skills, as well as cultivating an enthusiasm for the subject.
My maths teacher was Mr. Bottomley, the head of the maths department. He explained mathematical concepts clearly and was very supportive when we encountered difficulties. One of my favourite maths topics was algebraic proof because it was challenging yet rewarding.
The iGCSE exam consists of two papers, each two hours long, and calculators are permitted. Any topics can come up in either paper. For students in set 1, there is the opportunity to study the further maths course, which offers a wider range of topics such as matrices and quadratic sequences, allowing you to develop a stronger knowledge of mathematics and a deeper understanding of the topics covered in the iGCSE course. The AQA Level 2 Certificate consists of two papers: one non-calculator paper and one calculator paper, both 1 hour 45 minutes long.
Outside the classroom, students in sets 1 and 2 have the chance to take part in the UKMT maths challenge, where they can test their problem-solving skills and earn certificates. The best thing about maths at Queen Anne’s is the teachers, who are always willing to help and offer many opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.
If you are about to start your maths GCSEs, my advice would be to enjoy the subject. It doesn’t matter if you were previously good at maths or not; the best way to improve is to engage in lessons, try your best in every prep and test, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. If you are aiming for a good grade, regularly practise challenging questions (it doesn’t have to be a lot!). The most important thing is to have fun. Good luck in your maths GCSE journey!"
Bethany won the Reid award for Mathematics at our 2024 Speech Day, alongside two other awards. A great display of #QASStrongSpirits!