Trinity Bronze Arts Awards
Drama Art

Congratulations to Rebecca (L5), Pippa (U5), Marie (L6), Rachel (U5), Samira (U5), Emily (Alumna) and Esther (Alumna) for being the first girls at Queen Anne's to achieve their Trinity Bronze Arts Awards.

The awards involve taking part in an art form, writing a review, researching an arts inspiration, and sharing an arts skill with others. Candidates gather a portfolio of evidence which is then assessed and moderated. Arts Awards are a celebration of all art forms and this first group explored many of them including: Theatre, Dance, Film, Textiles, Pop Music, Performance Poetry, and Classic Literature.

They researched arts practitioners ranging from Bob Fosse to Taylor Swift, and passed on their own skills such as piano and drama improvisation to others; the portfolios are diverse and inspiring. Well done on the hard work. 

Anyone interested in doing their Bronze Arts Award should contact Mrs Scott.

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