“Double Whammy” for L6th Drama Students
The L6th A level Drama Students performed two very contrasting pieces at their recent Showcase in the Performing Arts Centre. The first section of the evening was a delightfully entertaining and amusing scripted piece in which the students blocked, learnt the lines and rehearsed themselves. The piece was set in the mid-70s and the students had researched the context and background of the time, including some – let’s face it – appalling fashions and hairstyles!
The second section of the evening was a complete and dramatic contrast with a devised piece exploring the Aberfan mining disaster of 1966 in which 144 people were killed when a slagheap of coal slurry collapsed on their school; the vast majority of those killed were in their first and second years at their primary school. The L6th Drama students created a hugely inventive, moving and sensitive piece which demonstrated their maturity and gravitas when dealing with such serious subjects.
- Rhodri Punter, Head of Drama