The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is offered to students at Queen Anne’s and provides the opportunity to develop interests and skills.

Achieving the Bronze, Silver or Gold award is respected and looked favourably upon when mentioned in CV’s, job applications and university applications. There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. They involve helping the community and environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning/training for the expedition, completing the expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity.

Mr Blunt, who runs the DofE programme at QAS, encourages all students to take part, regardless of ability. He gives students guidance and advice on the completion of their sections and sees first-hand, their confidence grow, ready for the expedition. The expedition is a chance for students to put their newly learnt or developed skills into practice as they navigate a planned route, which varies in distance and days away, depending on which award is being completed. Students are required to work as a team to complete the expedition, be responsible for their equipment and their meals.

The DofE is an excellent way for students to set personal challenges and push personal boundaries, which will inevitably build confidence in their abilities. Ultimately, students come away from the DofE with a sense of achievement and heaps of memories too.

2024 Expedition Dates

Bronze Award

Practice & Assessment: Saturday 15 June - Monday 17 June

Location: Chilterns

Silver Award

Practice & Assessment: Saturday 20 April - Monday 22 April

Location: Wye Valley

Silver Qualifier: Tuesday 2 July - Friday 5 July

Location: Peak District (White Peak)

Gold Award

Practice & Assessment: Friday 17 May - Sunday 19 May 

Location: Black Mountains

Gold Qualifier: Tuesday 2 July - Saturday 6 July

Location: Lake District


U4 conquer The Chilterns (2021)

Bronze Expedition (2019)

Silver Practice Expedition (2019)

Since 2017...

300 students have completed their Bronze Award

180 students have completed their Silver Award

70 students have completed their Gold Award


Gold DofE Award Students at Buckingham Palace 2024

Gold DofE girls at Buckingham Palace, 1971

Silver Expedition to The Peak District, 2019

Gold Expedition, 2017

Bronze Practice Expedition, 2017

Gold Expedition in The Lake District, 2016