Financial Support at Queen Anne's School
As part of our charitable public benefit, Queen Anne's offers bursaries to families who cannot afford to pay full fees. Bursaries are ‘means-tested’ such that the amount of help with fees depends on each family’s individual financial circumstances. The discount on the cost of day fees can be as much as 100%.
The student must meet the school’s academic standards to be considered for a bursary but the amount of the award is based solely on the extent of financial need. Bursaries are awarded to students who are likely to gain most from a Queen Anne's education and who will contribute fully to the life of the School.
Making an application for a bursary does not adversely affect your daughter’s chances of being offered a place at Queen Anne's.
A bursary is distinct from a scholarship in that it is given to recognise financial constraint, whereas scholarships are given to recognise outstanding achievement, regardless of financial need.
What is a Bursary?
A bursary is a reduction in the cost of fees charged by the School and is provided by way of a discount on each of the termly fee invoices, at the awarded percentage.
A bursary can cover up to 100% of the day fees but does not extend to boarding fees, the registration fee, or the cost of additional extras such as travel, examination fees, insurances, specialist support and lessons and certain clubs.
For those in receipt of an award of at least 50%, there is a prorated reduction in the deposit and in the cost of mandatory curriculum-related trips.
Bursaries are re-assessed on an annual basis, however an improvement in your financial circumstances should be reported to the Director of Finance and Operations (DFO) without delay, in order that funds can be allocated to those with greatest need.
Who Can Apply for a Bursary?
A bursary is available to all students on entry to the School, subject to a means-testing process.
Bursaries are only available to students in one of the following categories:
· A UK national resident in the UK
· A non-UK national resident in the UK, with material equity in UK owned property
· A UK national working abroad on a short-term expatriate contract, with significant UK assets
Hardship Bursary
We recognise that during a student’s time in school, family financial circumstances can change. To assist with this situation, the School has a small Hardship Fund to assist current parents who are experiencing financial difficulties. The Hardship Fund is open to all students who have completed at least 2 academic years in school. Priority will be given to those families with daughters in public examination years.
How Do I Apply for a Bursary?
New parents who have ticked the financial support box on the Registration Form, will be sent a link to an online application form. This is a 2-stage process whereby if you pass the initial review, you will be invited to upload supporting documentation to allow a full review of your financial circumstances to be undertaken. The School uses an external company, Bursary Administration Ltd. (BAL) to assess the application and provide a report to the School. Applicants can expect BAL to conduct a home visit and discuss the application and supporting documents.
When Will I know the Outcome of my Application?
Once the School has received the BAL report, the Head, DFO and Governors will meet to confirm the awards, given the available funding. The School aims to provide a bursary decision at, or shortly after the offer of a place at the School.
The School does not enter into negotiations over the amount of the bursary award offered. All decisions made by the Bursary Committee are final.