The Upper 6 welcomed back ex student Maddie Clark who discussed "What I wish I'd known about University." After leaving QAS, Maddie went on to study PPE at Durham University where she gained first class honours this summer. Maddie has now set up her own drama production company and her most recent play 'Drop Dead' gained rave reviews at this years Edinburgh Fringe festival and will be performed in South Kensington in early January (Drop Dead - Drayton Arms Theatre (thedraytonarmstheatre.co.uk)
Deputy Head Girl Katie said ‘It was lovely to hear Maddie talk about her experiences of University at Durham. She helped ease my nerves on the transition between sixth form and university, and discussed the importance of taking care of yourself as you gain more independence. Maddie was very helpful on answering our questions, and her talk made me excited to go to university.’