Hazelle, Upper Sixth
Kind Hearts

Hazelle joined the School as a full boarder in Upper 4 (Year 9) and has fully embraced the busy life of a Queen Anne’s girl.

She is a keen musician, public speaker and language student and last year took on the complex task of organising and hosting a successful Model United Nations with local schools. Now in her last year, Hazelle is one of two Head Girls and is preparing for life beyond school. She hopes to have a career in international politics and is applying to top universities in the USA.

“Mrs Harrington used to always stress the fact that Queen Anne’s is a small school, however, in the past, I never understood why this was such a strength. My mentality was ‘bigger is better’, but was it?

One of the many aspects, which make Queen Anne’s a community, as well as a school, is our close proximity to each other. The title of L6 doesn’t mean you will not integrate with a L4, and therefore we have developed a strong school spirit.

The range of competitions, house activities and cross-year events gives every girl the opportunity to know everyone and to be known. And through all these opportunities, confidence is ingrained into every one of us – we no longer fear the pressure of expectations, for we have the chance to set our own and, in doing so, surpass what we believe we could ever do (my example being Head Girl!).”

Kind Hearts

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