Lara, Upper 5
Kind Hearts

Lara is a day girl in the Upper 5 (year 11) and has been at Queen Anne’s School since Lower 4. She can often be found in the music department or working hard on a new routine in the dance studio. Lara has shared what life is like for her at the school.

“The music department is my favourite! I have been playing the Clarinet for about 7 years and the Piano for 9. I am involved in the Concert Band, Jazzabelles and Clarinetixs but I also have weekly piano lessons at school. My piano lessons stretch my playing ability as I often will try challenging pieces; my teacher is so helpful and has recently been helping me to improve my sight-reading.

There are lots of opportunities through the music department, I perform in almost every school concert with either the Concert Band, Jazzabelles or Clarinetixs. Mr Padley (Director of Music) also suggested I try the saxophone, so I have recently taken up lessons; it’s nice to know he believes in my abilities.

 Concert Band practice

The Scott Music Centre has amazing facilities! We have a Mac Suite which is where I do all my composition using the software on the iMac’s. There are also lots of practice rooms but the Taylor Hall, QASPA Ensemble Space and St Cecilia Hall are great places to practice in too.

All the teachers are so supportive, helpful but also fun! Mr Haysted, who runs Concert Band will ask for our input on pieces and we always have a laugh during rehearsals.

I am also part of the Twilight Dance Company. I auditioned last year and this year, and I was successful both times. In the dance company we take part in competitions, which is a great opportunity as we can experience dance competitively. There are students from all different year groups in the company and we are all friends which is really nice; it’s a fun and supportive environment.

 Twilight Dance Company at the Lost and Found Dance Gala

Miss Marsh and Mrs Powell push us to better our flexibility and technique during the lessons, always make sure we understand what we are doing and take time to explain. I have improved so much since being in the dance company.

I am planning on staying on at Queen Anne’s for Sixth Form and hope to compete A Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Art".

Queen Anne’s is a supportive environment where we are encouraged to try new things and they want us to become independent. It’s a really nice environment to grow up in, I wouldn’t want to go to any other school.

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