Mr Mark Richards - BMus (Wales) MMus (King’s, London) Research Fellowship (Cardiff), FRSA, MCCT
Mark won an open scholarship to read music at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth studying with Professor David Wulstan. Mark secured a First and then went onto successfully complete an MMus in Theory and Analysis at King’s College, London, supervised by Professor Arnold Whittall. Further research in the music of Webern continued at Cardiff University.
Mark has tutored at several universities, but his main focus has been school teaching and senior leadership; at present he is Senior Deputy Head. Prior to Queen Anne’s, Mark was Director of Studies and Head of Sixth Form at Saint Martin’s School in Solihull (GSA Day School). Mark has been a governor of three schools, is a trustee of the Society for Music Analysis and the Society for Minimalist Music and is a member of the Society for Musicology in Ireland.
Mark also teaches A Level Music at Queen Anne’s, is an experienced school inspector and A Level and IB music examiner; he has also written several books and articles associated with A Level Music.
When away from school leadership and music, Mark enjoys North Devon coastal walks with his wife, Claire and their four golden retrievers, Bertie, Monty, Rufus and Gideon!