Spare Pens in Schools Initiative
Whole School

Spare Pens in Schools Initiative 

Queen Anne’s are now part of the Spare Pens in School Initiative About Anaphylaxis in Schools | Spare Pens in Schools. This means we have spare Epipens also known as Adrenaline Auto Injectors (AAIs) at Queen Anne’s, these can be used by staff who have received training for ‘Spare Pens in Schools’ with the following students:

  • Students who are prescribed an AAI and have a care plan, but their AAI (or a second AAI) cannot be located at the time of emergency or has malfunctioned
  • Students for whom a Healthcare Professional has authorised use of a spare AAI, an example of this might be a student who is under investigation for severe allergies and their doctor has provided a letter of authorisation and there is parental consent
  • Under the instruction of 999 personnel in an emergency

Our school spare AAI pens are kept in each Boarding House, Sports Centre, Health Centre, Catering Team, Reception. The Bee Keeping club and Food Tech teams would use the AAI Pen held at reception.

If you have any queries or wish to provide a GP/Hospital authorisation letter please contact [email protected] or 0118 918 7399

Top 5 myths about anaphylaxis

  1. Allergy tests can predict anaphylaxis  X
  2. Allergic reactions get worse with each reaction   X
  3. Only children who have had a history of anaphylaxis need an adrenaline autoinjector   X
  4. Antihistamines can treat anaphylaxis if given as soon as a reaction happens  X
  5. Adrenaline is dangerous  X

If in doubt, GIVE ADRENALINE  

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