Remembrance Concert
Event Sixth Form Blog

On Monday 11 November, Queen Anne’s put on a remembrance concert to pay tribute to our soldiers, past and present, and to remember Queen Anne’s loved music teacher Mr Bushby, who recently passed away.

Girl playing violin with piano

Students past and present, and friends of Mr Bushby came to perform in his memory.

The first piece of music was played by the orchestra. Followed by beautiful music from the strings. We then heard 3 solo pieces, 2 Cellos and 1 violin piece performance which was very moving.

After the interval, singers and players funnelled onto the stage until it was completely full. The full stage was a very moving image to see, performers had travelled from far so they could join other singers to perform for Mr Bushby. The pieces performed allowed the audience to reflect on both remembrance day and Mr Bushby’s life at Queen Anne’s.

A very moving evening, in memory of someone very important to the Queen Anne’s community.

choir singing


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