U4 and L5's Enterprise Challenge with Hoare Lea
Enterprise U4

Upper 4 and Lower 5 took part in an Enterprise Challenge delivered by Laura, Natasha, and Rachel from the sustainable engineering company Hoare Lea. This event saw students working in teams to build a sustainable hotel on the coast of Sicily. Each group was required to follow a brief, manage a budget, design a hotel, and market it to their chosen audience.

This activity is used by Hoare Lea in their group assessments when interviewing university graduates, so our students were really tested in this challenge.

Students participated in discussions with our guests about sustainability and hospitality which helped them create some amazing hotels.

With up to eight students per group, they had to use their enterprise skills to collaborate, compromise, listen and communicate to ensure a harmonious working environment. They were required to conduct research and create a hotel that was unique and sustainable to meet the needs of the brief. 

The event culminated with presentations from each group with the winners announced as Farfelle Hotel created by Emily, Qadirah, Marley, Anagha, Sahar Aziz, Maria, and Charlotte.

Congratulations to everyone for your amazing ideas!

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