Bust Up 2022!
Whole School Event

Bust Up 2022!

This year's Bust Up saw all students and staff committed to their dress-up themes of Blast From The Past and Heroes!

There were amazing performances in the 'Yearovision' contest, where each yar group performed a well-choreographed Christmas song. Highlights included Mr Walden's excellent conducting skills as Buzz Lightyear, the surprise back tuck by Alice (L^) and some great dance moves from the L4.

The much anticipated staff costume competition was a bit hit, with the Michell House team dressed as public service Heroes and The Sixth Form team as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. However, the trophy was won by the brilliant Maths department as characters of Toy Story!


A silent disco in the hall was the marvellous grand finale of the event 🥳

Bust Up is a long-standing, whole-school tradition at Queen Anne's that is planned by the Senior Prefects and evolves with each cohort of students. Each year promises plenty of fun to end a term of hard work before the Christmas holidays.

Thank you to the Senior Prefects and QAS staff for organising a Bust Up to remember!

Head to our Flickr for more photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAjcuv 

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